
Build Stronger Teeth

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Build Stronger Teeth

Everyone knows the basics of good dental care. Brush your teeth after every meal, floss every day, see your dentist at least twice a year. It sounds simple. But what if you still don’t have strong, healthy teeth? Weak enamel can be a genetic weakness, or it can be caused by other conditions, like Celiac disease. I’ve always had weak enamel, so I started looking into ways that I could increase the strength of my teeth, and found that dietary changes could make a big difference. I started this blog to share my experience, and to talk about other ways you can make your teeth stronger and healthier. There are lots of things that you can do to improve your dental health. You just have to find them.

Health Conditions Possibly Linked To Dental Problems

While dental problems are often associated with cavities, broken teeth, and even gum disease, they can also be linked to other health conditions in different parts of your body. Although symptoms of most dental problems typically include toothache, carious teeth, and bleeding gums, you may also experience unusual symptoms outside of the mouth, such as breathing problems and a fast heart rate. Here are some health conditions that may be linked to your dental problems and what you can do about them:

Cardiovascular Disease

Poor dental hygiene not only raises your risk for gum disease, shifting teeth, and cavities, but may also heighten your risk for developing cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and even blood clots and strokes. When dental problems are not treated, infection-causing bacteria can accumulate inside your mouth.

This bacteria can spread to other parts of your body, including your coronary arteries. Bacteria from oral infections or cavities that reach your coronary arteries can cause systemic inflammation, including inflammation inside your arteries. It is thought that arterial inflammation may be a stronger risk factor in the development of heart attack, stroke, and thrombus formation than plaque buildup from cholesterol deposits.

At the first sign of dental problems, make an appointment with your family dentistry professional. He or she will examine your teeth and gums and recommend treatment as necessary. To reduce your risk for arterial inflammation as it relates to dental problems, brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis and visit your dentist regularly for examinations and cleanings.

Chronic Sinusitis 

Another health condition that may be linked to dental problems is chronic sinusitis. Gum disease, cavities, or a dental abscess can promote the spread of bacteria into the sinus cavity. When this happens, you may experience nasal congestion, thick drainage, a bad taste in your mouth, fatigue, and fever.

If you experience these symptoms, visit both your dentist and family physician. While sinusitis can be caused by both viruses and bacterial infections, sinusitis caused by dental problems is typically bacterial in nature. It is because of this that your dentist or family physician may prescribe oral antibiotics. 

Make sure that you visit your dentist on a regular basis and maintain a good routine of oral hygiene. If you develop bleeding gums, unusual oral drainage, toothache, or broken teeth, seek dental treatment as soon as possible. This may help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease and sinus problems, and will help ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy for many years to come.