
Build Stronger Teeth

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Build Stronger Teeth

Everyone knows the basics of good dental care. Brush your teeth after every meal, floss every day, see your dentist at least twice a year. It sounds simple. But what if you still don’t have strong, healthy teeth? Weak enamel can be a genetic weakness, or it can be caused by other conditions, like Celiac disease. I’ve always had weak enamel, so I started looking into ways that I could increase the strength of my teeth, and found that dietary changes could make a big difference. I started this blog to share my experience, and to talk about other ways you can make your teeth stronger and healthier. There are lots of things that you can do to improve your dental health. You just have to find them.

Don'T Make These Tooth Fairy Mistakes With Your Child

For children who reach an age at which they begin to lose their baby teeth, there are few things as exciting as a visit from the Tooth Fairy. You may find that your child talks about the Tooth Fairy frequently when he or she has a wiggly tooth, and it's your job to be prepared for when the tooth comes out. Although different families take different approaches when it comes to a "visit" from the Tooth Fairy, a conventional idea is to give your child some money and/or a small gift to celebrate this occasion. Here are some Tooth Fairy-related mistakes that you don't want to make.

Giving Unhealthy Treats

Don't make the mistake of giving your child an unhealthy treat to celebrate the loss of a baby tooth. If you're giving money and a small gift, or you'd rather just focus on the latter, it may seem easy to give a piece of chocolate or candy as a way to celebrate this occasion. It's easy to make a compelling argument that children shouldn't be eating sweets to begin with — and your pediatric dentist might also be telling you this — but you shouldn't reward a dental-related accomplishment with something that can affect a child's dental health.

Encourage Pulling Of The Tooth

Pediatric dentists will generally tell you that your child shouldn't pull his or her tooth out, even when it's very wiggly. It's always best to wait for the tooth to come out naturally, so you don't want to make a mistake and encourage your child to pull it to get a quicker visit from the Tooth Fairy. For example, don't make a statement such as, "I hear that the Tooth Fairy might be in the neighborhood tonight, but won't bother stopping by our house unless your tooth is out."

Fail To Use The Occasion As A Teaching Point

Given the importance of children's dental hygiene, it's a mistake if you don't use the process of losing a tooth and getting a visit from the tooth fairy as a teaching point for your child. Your child may be focused on finding something under his or her pillow the next morning, but you should make a point of taking a few minutes to talk about dental health. Remind your child that his or her grown-up tooth will soon be making an appearance, and how important it is to brush this tooth carefully twice a day.

For more help with your child's health, contact a kids dentist in your area.