
Build Stronger Teeth

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Build Stronger Teeth

Everyone knows the basics of good dental care. Brush your teeth after every meal, floss every day, see your dentist at least twice a year. It sounds simple. But what if you still don’t have strong, healthy teeth? Weak enamel can be a genetic weakness, or it can be caused by other conditions, like Celiac disease. I’ve always had weak enamel, so I started looking into ways that I could increase the strength of my teeth, and found that dietary changes could make a big difference. I started this blog to share my experience, and to talk about other ways you can make your teeth stronger and healthier. There are lots of things that you can do to improve your dental health. You just have to find them.

What to Know About Dry Sockets

If you are having a tooth extracted, be aware that a common complication that can happen afterward is a dry socket. It happens when a blood clot fails to develop in the empty socket or the blood clot becomes dislodged prematurely. Here is what you need to know about this potential complication.

Why Does a Blood Clot Form?

The purpose of a blood clot is to protect the socket of your tooth like a protective barrier, which protects the bone and soft tissue. It also gives the bone the foundation to grow new bone and for that soft tissue to heal. It's a necessary part of the healing process, and not having that blood clot in place is going to cause a problem.

Why Does a Lack of a Blood Clot Cause Pain?

The blood clot is going to reduce inflammation in your jawbone and gums. If the socket is exposed, you'll typically feel pain that radiates along the nerves in your jawbone. You can also get an infection from having exposed soft gum material.

How Does a Blood Clot Become Dislodged? 

Your home care can play a big role in causing the blood clot to form and stay in place. It's always a good idea to rest and avoid physical activities that can cause the blood clot to become disrupted. You'll also want to avoid using straws or anything that would cause you to have a sucking motion, which can cause pressure within your mouth that can dislodge the blood clot. 

Is it Normal to Feel Discomfort In The Tooth Socket? 

It is completely normal to have some pain and discomfort in the extraction site after a tooth is removed. However, this can typically be treated by over-the-counter pain medications. If you are experiencing extreme pain in the extraction site, talk to your dentist about the potential of having a dry socket that needs to be treated.

How Do You Treat Dry Socket?

There are a few things that your dentist can do to treat a dry socket. They'll start by having you return to their office so that they can flush out anything in the socket that could cause an infection. Then they'll pack the socket with a gauze to keep medication in place that is designed to treat the area. The goal is to reduce pain and discomfort, treat a potential infection, and give the socket ideal conditions for a new blood clot to form. 

If you'd like to know more about tooth extraction and dry sockets, consider contacting a dentist business such as Dental Care Associates.